About us
How we are funded
Our income in 2023–24 ran to a record £84.2 million. Here's how we raised it.
We are able to stand up for woods and trees because of our supporters.
- More than half of our funding is raised through memberships, donations, legacies, our raffles and income from our shop.
- The rest comes from commercial sponsorship, trading and grants from charitable trusts and bodies such as the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Forestry Commission.
raised in total
For the 12-month period June 2023 to May 2024.
£25.9 million raised
A remarkable 31% of our income came from gifts kindly left in wills, and they funded one third of the six million trees we planted last year. We were also very grateful to be donated Walters Woods, a sweep of ancient beechwoods in the Chilterns – one of our most generous gifts of land ever.
Find out more about leaving a gift in your will to the Woodland Trust.
£13.5 million raised
More than 27,500 new people became Woodland Trust members last year. In all, around half a million supporters now help our cause by becoming members, making donations and giving their voice and time as volunteers.
Find out how to become a member of the Woodland Trust.
Companies and charitable trusts
£11.9 million raised
Our family of corporate partners includes Sainsbury’s, Lloyds Banking Group, OVO and TK Maxx. The last year saw teams from Aviva and Bettys & Taylors Group mucking in to plant trees at Snaizeholme, our high and mighty project in the Yorkshire Dales.
Find out more about our partners.
Public donations
£9.4 million raised
We were blown away by the generosity of our loyal army of supporters, and this share of our income included £300,000 from tree champions who dug deep to support our work restoring the UK’s precious rainforests.
£14.4 million raised
We've supercharged this area of our fundraising since 2018, when it brought in £3.6 million.
One beneficiary last year was the Bunce survey – our landmark botanical survey of woods across the UK, co-funded by Defra, Natural England, the Welsh Government and more.
Other income
£9.2 million raised
This includes our income from sponsorship and shop sales, as well as cash we reap from thinning our woods to restore them to health.
Annual review and report and accounts
More detail on our income and expenditure can be found in our annual review and report and accounts.
More about what we do
Support us
How we spend your money
We can’t do our work without you, but don't just take our word for it. Find out what your money is helping to achieve.
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How your support makes a difference
Your support makes a big difference. Here's what we're achieving together.
About us
Our strategy
Our vision is optimistic: a world where woods and trees thrive for people and nature. Find out how we plan to achieve this over the next decade.
About us
How we are run
We were established in 1972 and we are now the UK's largest woodland conservation charity.
About us
Who we are
The Woodland Trust is the UK's largest woodland conservation charity.
About us
What we do
We are the Woodland Trust. We plant, protect, restore and manage woods and trees.