Neighbourhood planning
Woods and trees can help make your community a healthier, wealthier and happier place to live and work.
Get the most out of your neighbourhood planTo achieve our vision of a UK rich in native woods and trees, it is vital that government and policymakers understand nature’s importance and take action.
We work to influence government and policymakers to secure stronger protection for our valued woods and trees from a variety of threats, and to reverse the decline in tree cover by creating better incentives for planting.
We lobby and work with Members of Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales/Senedd, the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly to promote the value of woods and trees. Across a whole range of policy areas from agriculture to transport and the environment, we work to influence ministers and officials to ensure woods and trees are recognised in policy and investment decisions.
We write briefings for debates and parliamentary questions, host events, commission reports, respond to consultations, and even take MPs, MSPs and Assembly members to local woods to help them appreciate what’s at stake.
To get positive policies for trees and woods included in local plans, and to help deliver and shape tree strategies, we lobby councillors, mayors and senior officers at all levels of local government. We help deliver on these policies by working with local authorities to plant trees, create woods and better protect existing woods and trees. We also work with parish and town councils to influence policies in their neighbourhood plans.
The four nations of the UK are among the most nature depleted in the world, with 35% of species populations in decline and 13% under threat of extinction. But there’s hope. By working together with local and national governments, we can turn the tide to restore habitats, improve biodiversity and better connect landscapes. Together, we can create a brighter, healthier future for nature and our communities.
That’s why we’re urging all local authorities to declare a nature emergency and commit to meaningful action for nature’s recovery. Find out what steps your local authority has taken so far.
Woods and trees can help make your community a healthier, wealthier and happier place to live and work.
Get the most out of your neighbourhood planProtecting trees and woods
HS2 is a grave threat to the UK’s ancient woods and veteran trees, with many at risk of loss or damage. We can’t let this happen.
Protecting trees and woods
Discover the latest challenges and successes for woods and trees and find out how you can make a difference.
Discover why funding for trees on farms needs to change and what we’re doing to make it happen.
Read moreAbout us
We've had a number of high profile achievements within central government. We've also seen notable successes working with local authorities to improve regional policies, delivery and development plans.
About us
Working closely with others is one of the key ways we achieve our policy goals. We are members of a number of advocacy partnerships, which include other NGOs, parliamentary groups and professional institutes.
About us
To assist government, local authorities and other decision makers, we offer practical solutions and guidance on best practice for a range of topics.
About us
Our views on issues affecting woods and trees, and the people and wildlife that rely on them, are available in our position statements. These views inform our starting point when engaging with others and shape the work we do to influence national and local policy.
Explore our database of publications, reports, case studies and documents on woodland conservation, our work and influencing national policy.
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