Whether it’s to understand the impact of climate change or support a campaign to save ancient woodland, all our actions are evidence-led.

We synthesise and gather evidence, collaborate on a diversity of research projects and involve communities through citizen science. This enables us to develop effective conservation techniques and promote evidence-based conservation activity, while ensuring we engage people and inspire support.

Our research and evidence programme

Our conservation programme collaborates on a wide range of research and evidence aligned with our strategy to protect, restore and create native woods and trees.

Through this programme, we’re helping to:

  • support practical conservation work and make science more accessible
  • co-design research with stakeholders to deliver practical outcomes
  • produce reports and resources that can be used by conservationists and forestry managers to enhance the delivery of our work
  • engage with scientific networks and advise on large research collaborations
  • deliver research by partnering with and funding academics and early-career researchers.

By collaborating with us, you can benefit from our extensive research assets including Woodland Trust sites, datasets, expert knowledge and funding. We also support effective communication and knowledge exchange, to enhance the impact of our research and evidence.

Our research projects

From 3D modelling of ancient trees to documenting 50 years of change in Britain’s woodlands, our research has helped address evidence gaps and guide conservation efforts. Explore examples of our projects below.

About us

Research projects we are funding

We have awarded conservation research grant funding to research projects that address issues facing the conservation of the UK’s native woods and trees.

Explore the research projects

Outputs of the evidence programme

Our evidence is analysed in-house to provide credible guidance and contribute to our position statements. We communicate our evidence through internally and externally published reports and reviews to benefit people and nature.

Applied Ecology Resources

We submit Woodland Trust authored or funded evidence content to Applied Ecology Resources, an open-access resource from the British Ecological Society. This is part of our commitment to promoting evidence-based policy and practice, with the aim of making science and research transparent, accessible and discoverable.

Our citizen science projects

We harness the efforts of dedicated volunteers to gather data on woods, trees and wildlife across the UK. This information helps us protect ancient trees, assess the impacts of climate change on wildlife and monitor tree health. 

Collaborate with us

We work closely with other organisations to encourage collaboration and support conservation decision making. Together, we help bring crucial research to fruition.

About us

Using Woodland Trust sites and data for research

Our valuable portfolio of sites and datasets are available for research and biological recording, to further the scientific understanding of conservation. Contact us to find out more about what might be available to you.

Discover the opportunities
Get in touch

Contact our team for more information about our conservation research programme or using our sites and data for research. Please note, the research grant call is currently closed.

Email: research@woodlandtrust.org.uk

Conservation Evidence

We are an ‘Evidence Champion’, as accredited by Conservation Evidence in association with the University of Cambridge. Conservation Evidence is a resource designed to support conservation decision making. It summarises the documented evidence for the effectiveness of conservation actions. We are committed to putting evidence at the heart of our activities and as part of our Evidence Champion pledge.