Why are trees important for biodiversity?
Woodland is home to a wealth of wildlife. If we don't protect what we have left and work to create woodlands of the future, we stand to lose more than just trees.
Discover what trees offerExpanding native woodland and creating tree-rich habitats to benefit nature, climate and people is at the heart of what we do.
That's how low the UK's woodland cover is.
We want to get closer to the EU average of 37%.
That's how many trees we've planted since 1972.
And we're aiming to get 50 million more in the ground over the next five years.
That's how many tonnes of carbon we aim to lock up in a year.
In our work to help businesses reduce their carbon footprint.
To give nature a fighting chance of recovery, we need to at least quadruple the current rate of woodland creation.
Woodland is home to a wealth of wildlife. If we don't protect what we have left and work to create woodlands of the future, we stand to lose more than just trees.
Discover what trees offerTrees woods and wildlife
Everything you need to know about British trees. From identification, folklore and history to the pests and diseases that threaten them.
Trees woods and wildlife
Explore our species guides to the wildlife that depends on woods and trees, from plants and fungi to mammals, birds, bees and beetles.
Karen Hornigold • 21 Jul 2020
We're planting millions of trees and expanding woodland across the UK, helping to put the UK on track to meet its carbon net-zero target.
Our message is clear: native woods and trees are one of the best ways to tackle the climate crisis. Explore the facts and find out what you can do to help.
What we're doingTrees woods and wildlife
Trees are one of the best natural climate change solutions. Find out how they lock up carbon and how many the UK needs to reach carbon net zero by 2050.
Karen Hornigold • 27 Jul 2020
Trees woods and wildlife
Air pollution can have a serious impact on our health, global climate and biodiversity, but trees can help.
Trees woods and wildlife
Trees and woods play a vital role in reducing flooding by slowing down the flow of rainwater, absorbing rainwater, and reducing erosion.
Woods and trees are essential. They're the lungs of our cities, the first in line to fight the effects of climate change, and they are good for our health and wellbeing. We want everyone to benefit from woods and trees wherever they live.
Along with improving our quality of life, woods and green spaces can help make us physically and mentally healthier.
Explore the evidenceProtecting trees and woods
They green our cities. They clean our air. They fight the effects of climate. They even increase property values. Find out what they do for people, wildlife and the economy.
Research report
PDF (1.48 MB)
Julia Lock • 22 Mar 2022
Hannah Vickers • 14 Jan 2019
Charlie Mellor • 05 Aug 2020
Our plans for the future are bold, but we can't achieve them by working alone. We influence governments to set and stick to ambitious woodland creation targets and we work closely with landowners, farmers, communities and businesses across the UK.
About us
We work to influence government and policymakers to secure stronger protection for our valued woods and trees, and to reverse the decline in tree cover by creating better incentives for planting.
About us
We're working with partners, farmers, landowners and local communities to create bigger, better, more resilient landscapes across the UK for people and wildlife.
Meet the partners who are helping us make a future for woods and trees.
Plant trees
Growing the right tree in the right place, for the right reason and in the right way is essential. Our best practice guide means we can work with others to deliver quality woodland creation at a landscape scale.
Help get millions of trees in the ground by planting your own.
We have single trees and tree packs to meet your needs, from wildlife to woodfuel. Delivery is free.
External link
Plant trees
We want to make sure everyone in the UK has the chance to plant a tree. So we’re giving away hundreds of thousands of trees to schools and communities.
Plant trees
If you’re looking to plant trees, we have the trees, grants and funding schemes to help.