Threats to woods and trees
Threats to woodland, wildlife and the wider environment are growing. Our trees and woods face a challenging combination of pressures, from humans, pests and diseases.
Get the factsWe fight to protect woods and trees, preventing the loss of irreplaceable habitat, nature and carbon stores for a healthier future for everyone.
That's how little of the UK is covered by ancient woodland.
We lobby for better protection for these precious habitats.
That's how many ancient woods are threatened by HS2 development.
We campaign to stop the needless destruction.
That's how many ash trees could vanish from our landscape.
We promote biosecurity so diseases like ash dieback don't reach the UK.
We're fighting the pressures facing woods and trees, from inappropriate development to climate change, securing important woodland habitats that are at risk.
Threats to woodland, wildlife and the wider environment are growing. Our trees and woods face a challenging combination of pressures, from humans, pests and diseases.
Get the factsProtecting trees and woods
Together we can stand up for the environment and safeguard the UK's woodland heritage for our future.
About us
We work to influence government and policymakers to secure stronger protection for our valued woods and trees.
Support us
We safeguard woodland across the UK. But we can’t do this without you. Your support is vital to save woods for future generations, protect the wildlife that calls them home, and restore them to their thriving best.
There are thousands of old or ancient trees and woods in the UK. They're important to our heritage, wildlife and carbon stores yet they don't get the protection they need. Mapping them takes us one step closer to helping them.
Ancient trees need special care and protection. There are thousands of ancient trees in the UK and we need your help to find out where they are.
Find out moreProtecting trees and woods
One of the UK’s most important wildlife habitats is disappearing before our eyes.
Protecting trees and woods
Think your wood could be ancient? Check our tips on what to look for on site and the historical records that could help.
We're scaling up the supply chain and demand for seeds and trees sourced and grown in the UK to reduce the risk of pests and diseases threatening naive trees.
Buying UK sourced and grown trees is the best way to prevent the spread of imported pests and diseases.
Find out whyTrees woods and wildlife
Learn more about the pests and diseases threatening our trees. Find out how to spot them, the symptoms and outlook, and how you can help.
About us
With increasing numbers of tree pests and diseases in the UK, it's important we have confidence in the trees we plant. Find out more about how our trees are sourced and grown.
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Our tree planting and natural regeneration expand woodland in areas that connect and buffer ancient woodland and other precious habitats, bringing huge biodiversity benefits.
The UK needs more trees. We plant millions of native trees every year, but planting is just one way to help the UK's woodlands expand. Allowing nature to take its course is also an effective and efficient method of getting more trees in the ground.
Learn about the benefits