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It’s conker season! September and October is when they ripen and fall from the trees, so it’s the perfect time to find them. Head out to your local horse chestnut tree and get collecting for our top conker crafts and activities.
This is similar to the conker worm craft, except you tie the string together at the end. Make sure you choose the shiniest conkers, or you could even paint them lots of bright colours.
This is a lovely, tactile activity to do with youngsters.
Collect some conkers of all shapes and sizes. Be sure to pick up a few of the spiky conker cases as well, but be careful – they are very prickly.
To make a person, choose a big conker for the body, a medium one for the head and two small ones for the feet. Connect them using cocktail sticks which will double up as arms, legs and a neck. To finish, top it off with a handsome conker-case hat. You could even paint on a face.
A well as people, try making animals or make-believe creatures. The only limit is your imagination!
Make homework fun with handful of conkers! Shiny, round conkers are a brilliant tool for practising counting and numeracy and you can use them in all sorts of ways.
Get wildlife activities for kids when you join the Woodland Trust and help us protect nature for future generations.
Find out about family membershipTrees woods and wildlife
Spiky cases, gleaming seeds, celebrated by children. Everything you need to know about horse chestnut.
Danielle Wesley • 27 Sep 2021
Danielle Wesley • 25 Sep 2019