
ancient woods threatened by development right now


that's how little of the UK is covered by ancient woodland


woods saved with your help since 1999

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Protecting trees and woods

Keep living legends alive

Most of our oldest trees are not legally protected. We're urging governments across the UK to change that. Add your voice to our call for improved protection laws. 

Sign our petition

Campaigns that need your support

Protecting trees and woods

HS2 rail link

HS2 is a grave threat to the UK’s ancient woods and veteran trees, with many at risk of loss or damage. We can’t let this happen. 

Read the latest

More on the HS2 rail link

Latest campaign successes

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Protecting trees and woods

Campaign in your community

Local communities taking action is the most effective way to protect woods and trees. Need help? Check out our useful resources.

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Why we campaign

Trees and woods bring vast benefits to people, wildlife and the environment. Without them, life would be very different.

Ancient woodland is home to more wildlife than any other UK habitat.

But 85% of it is unprotected by government legislation.


Campaigning works

We base all of our campaigns on evidence. And we’ve proved campaigning works: we’ve saved 1,186 woods since 1999.

From signing a petition or emailing your MP to joining a demonstration walk, your voice makes us stronger.

Be the voice for woods and trees. Together, we can stand up for our precious woods and protect their future.


About us

Our strategy

Our vision is optimistic: a world where woods and trees thrive for people and nature. Find out how we plan to achieve this over the next decade.

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