Wood Wise – reintroducing lost species
PDF (2.57 MB)
Publication date:
July 2017
Publication type:
Position statement
This position statement sets out the Woodland Trust’s stance on rewilding which calls for large expanses of land to be set aside for nature.
It builds on the idea that natural processes should be left to take their course without deliberate intervention while restoring missing species and parts of the landscape to re-establish natural processes.
The paper explains how rewilding works and why it is important.
Download PDF (1.49 MB)Journal
PDF (2.57 MB)
Position statement
PDF (386 KB)
Policy paper
PDF (1.21 MB)
About us
Our bold pledge to stop using new single-use plastic tree guards on our land in 2021 put us at the forefront of the movement to eradicate plastic from planting schemes UK-wide. We’re funding research to find viable alternatives and are now moving towards sustainable tree protection in other areas.
The UK needs more trees. We plant millions of native trees every year, but planting is just one way to help the UK's woodlands expand. Allowing nature to take its course is also an effective and efficient method of getting more trees in the ground.
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