Why leave a gift in your will to the Woodland Trust?

Remembering the Woodland Trust in your will is the most significant, lasting way you can make a real difference for woods and trees.

Your legacy gift will:

  • protect the places you love – saving woods and trees from destruction and helping fight against tree pests and diseases
  • care for ancient woods which have outlived generations, making sure they’ll still be here far into the future
  • make a lasting mark on the world and create a UK rich in native woods and trees, for people and wildlife.

Want to find out more?

We'd love to hear from you.

Get in touch

For executors and solicitors

We know administering a will can be complex and full of legal jargon, especially if you're new to the process. We're here to support you and have produced a simple guide to help.

Call 0330 333 3300 and ask for the Legacy Administration team, or contact us via email on legacyadmin@woodlandtrust.org.uk


Find out more about gifts in wills

PDF  (1.53 MB)

For more information, frequently asked questions and a helpful will-writing checklist, download our gifts in wills brochure.

Download your copy

What your gift could mean

Whatever it's size, you can rest assured that any gift you leave will be spent where it's needed most - to benefit woods and trees, and the wildlife that relies on them.


could allow us to plant and care for 20 new native trees on our land.


could help us create a beautiful wildflower meadow offering shelter and food for butterflies and other pollinators.


could fund the purchase of 70 acres (28 ha) of land for native broadleaf planting – buffering and protecting nearby ancient woodland.

We don’t inherit the land from our ancestors. We borrow it from our grandchildren. We’d like to help leave the world better than we found it.

Mr & Mrs Barker
Woodland Trust supporters
Contact us

If you have any questions about adding a gift to your will and would like to call us or email us, please get in touch with our Gift in Wills team and they'll be happy to help.

Call on: 0330 333 3300

Email at: legacies@woodlandtrust.org.uk