About us
We couldn’t do the work we do without financial support. And when you give to us, we want you to be confident we’re spending your money wisely.
is spent directly on woods, trees and wildlife
And every penny you give us will protect the woods and trees you love.
invested for nature
That's how much we spent on our cause between June 2023 and May 2024.
£27.5 million spent
We matched our all-time planting record last year, easing 6.1 million native trees into the ground. More than a million were supplied for free to schools and community groups UK-wide. They were also delivered without plastic tubes for the first time, part of our ongoing campaign to plant more sustainably.
Meanwhile, our new wood at Frodsham in Cheshire was dug in entirely by schoolchildren and volunteers – 30,000 saplings in a single season.
£18.5 million spent
Our longstanding mission to nurture degraded woodland back to health stepped up massively last year, as we trounced our target for woods either being actively restored or committed to restoration. The area recovered for nature by the year’s end was 1,044 hectares – over four times more than we achieved in 2021–22.
£14.6 million spent
Our hardworking campaigns team is ever vigilant against threats to the UK’s ancient woodland, and they tackled around 200 cases last year. One battle focused on Kent, where 25,000 supporters backed our petition to save Oaken Wood, home to stag beetles, dormice, bluebells and nightjars. More than 70 football pitches’ worth of habitat will be decimated if a proposed quarry extension goes ahead there. The fight goes on.
£11.3 million spent
This is the sum we spent in 2023–24 to enable us to raise our income and invest for future growth. For every pound spent on fundraising, we raised £5.40 in return, while 84p in every pound went directly to support our charitable objectives.
More detail on our income and expenditure can be found in our annual review and report and accounts.
The Woodland Trust is regulated by the Charity Commission and is a registered charity number 294344 in England and Wales and by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, registered charity number SC038885 in Scotland.
Our annual accounts are published on the Charity Commission website and Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
About us
Our work is funded by our dedicated members and supporters, gifts in wills, grants, trusts and partners. Here we outline what we raised in the last financial period and breakdown where it came from.
About us
We were established in 1972 and we are now the UK's largest woodland conservation charity.
About us
The Woodland Trust is the UK's largest woodland conservation charity.
About us
We are the Woodland Trust. We plant, protect, restore and manage woods and trees.