Credit: WTML
How do orange ladybirds breed?
The female orange ladybird lays up to 40 eggs. Once they hatch, the larvae moult several times before going through pupation into maturity.
A bright, cheery leaf-lover. The orange ladybird spends its winters nestled in the leaf litter and its summers feasting on mildew in the canopy.
Common name: orange ladybird
Scientific name: Halyzia sedecimguttata
Family: Coccinellidae
Habitat: woodland, hedgerows, parks and gardens
Predators: birds
Origin: native
Adults: the orange ladybird is bright orange with light brown antennae and 14-16 creamy white spots on its wingcase. The edges of their wingcases are slightly transparent. They grow up to 5mm.
Larvae: are small and yellow-white. They have light yellow vertical stripes and black spots along their bodies.
Not to be confused with: other species of ladybird. The biggest differences are in colour and the number of spots, so look out for orange!
Orange ladybirds feed on mildew that forms on leaves, leaves themselves and sometimes small aphids.
Credit: WTML
The female orange ladybird lays up to 40 eggs. Once they hatch, the larvae moult several times before going through pupation into maturity.
The orange ladybird used to be much rarer, and associated with ancient woodland. Now, numbers are increasing and the species has adapted to feed on sycamore.
Orange ladybirds are common and widespread across the UK, though less frequent in Scotland. They live in deciduous woodland. During the winter, orange ladybirds hibernate in gaps in wood and in leaf litter on the woodland floor.
Credit: Sandra Standbridge / Alamy Stock Photo
Look out for orange ladybirds between April and October in broadleaf woodland. You might see them on the leaves of their favourite trees: ash and sycamore.
The orange ladybird is common, with numbers increasing and no known threats.