Credit: Dean Morley / WTML
What do silver-washed fritillaries eat?
Caterpillars: eat common dog violet.
Adults: feed on nectar from plants including bramble and thistle.
These flashy butterflies are strong fliers with a flair for the dramatic. Spot the silver-washed fritillary charging through the air along woodland rides in search of a mate, or the caterpillars munching on their favourite flowers: violets.
Common name: silver-washed fritillary
Scientific name: Argynnis paphia
Family: Nymphalidae
Habitat: broadleaf woodland
Predators: birds and mammals
Origin: native
Caterpillars: black-brown with two pale lines along back and long, reddish-brown spines.
Adults: distinctive deep orange-brown and black butterflies. Males have four black veins in the centre of their forewings. Females are paler overall and lack these veins.
Wingspan: 7.2-7.6cm
Credit: Dean Morley / WTML
Caterpillars: eat common dog violet.
Adults: feed on nectar from plants including bramble and thistle.
Males have four distinctive black veins on their forewings that contain special scales that are used in courtship. These veins are known as 'sex brands'.
Fritillary courtship is an aerobatic spectacular; the female flies in a straight line while the male loops around her, showering her with confetti of special scent scales.
Eggs are laid under tree bark. Once hatched, the larvae spin silk cocoons and go into hibernation, emerging in the spring and descending to the woodland floor to feed on violets. They pupate on the underside of leaves or twigs and emerge in June.
Credit: Gillian Pullinger / WTML
Silver-washed fritillaries are found in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, but are absent from Scotland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. They live in oak woodland or woodlands with sunny rides and glades. Occasionally, the butterflies use mixed broadleaved and conifer plantations. In parts of South West England and Ireland, wooded hedgerows and sheltered lanes next to woods are used.
Eggs are typically laid on the north-facing side of a tree under moss and bark.
Look for silver-washed fritillary caterpillars near dog violets in woods. Keep your eyes peeled for fully grown butterflies along woodland rides, woodland edges and hedgerows.
Credit: Marcaz Granville / WTML
The silver-washed fritillary population declined during the 20th century, but is now stable after big spikes in recent years. It is, however, still considered a species of conservation concern.
Silver-washed fritillary butterflies seem to love the colour orange. Wear some on your next woodland walk to see if you can attract them.