
The Woodland Trust

Publication date:

January 2025

Publication type:

Position statement



Urban trees and forests Position Statement document cover

Urban trees provide vital benefits to people and nature. In this position statement, we outline our views on protecting, restoring and creating urban forests, including the importance of tree equity in decision making.

Urban trees are critical green infrastructure that millions of people rely on and use every day – often without realising it. From improving air quality and peoples’ physical and mental health, to protecting us against the effects of climate change and providing habitat for an array of urban wildlife, we’d be far worse off without them.

As well as exploring the benefits of urban trees and forests in more detail, our position statement highlights, amongst other things:

  • the importance of tree equity
  • how urban trees can help nature recover
  • the management of urban forests
  • involving and engaging communities
  • our own commitment to safeguarding urban trees.
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